Tuesday 29 March 2016


10 40kg, 10 45kg, 10 50kg press machine
3 x 10 40kg incline press machine
3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers

30 20kg abdominal crunch machine legs in new position

3 x 10 ez-bar preacher curls 7.5kg on each end of the metal bar
3 x 10 l/r 12kg preacher dumbell curls
3 x 10 l/r 12kg concentration curls

unassisted hang concentrating on shoulder ROM

10 swamp box jumps

no hands up and down drills

rail leg stretches (nose to knee)

fruit, veg and herb juice
chicken, roast spuds, cabbage with bacon, gravy

Wimbledon brewery porter
12 st 13

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