Thursday 19 February 2015


3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 40kg incline press machine
3 x 10 50kg chest press machine

Swiss ball pull-ins, pike, twists and back bend

3 x 10 20kg curl machine
1 x 10, 2 x 6 ez bar preacher curls 10kg on end of new metal sleeved bar
(Daniel the trainer made me do the last two sets with full extension)
3 x 10 1/r 10kg dumbbell preacher curls
(half the usual weight; still under the beady eye of D.)

bear crawl
posterior flexibility machine 70 degrees
kneelin' crouchin' foldin' lungin' op'nin'

carrot and celery juice
beef and veg curry with pitta
Weetabix Chocolate Minis

lager and wine
13 st 0

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