Wednesday 17 December 2014


10 30kg pull-down machine
10 40kg pull-down machine
10 45kg pull-down machine
10 45kg pull-down machine
10 50kg pull-down machine
10 55kg pull-down machine
10 60kg pull-down machine
trainer told me I was "cheating" so worked back up the weights
10 55kg pull-down machine
10 50kg pull-down machine

3 x 10 30kg new extension machine
3 x 10 10kg sitting l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 20kg barbell triceps extension

30 30kg kneeling cable crunches

passive hanging
Swiss ball squats, Virasana, pike, back bend,torso turns and forward rolls

50 degrees on new hamstring flexibility machine

banana and clementine 'bullet
M&S hoisin duck wrap
jerk chicken, rice 'n peas, 'slaw

12 st 12

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