Friday 27 June 2008


12 minutes speed interval on the treadmill - toggling between 16Kmh and 6Kmh.
3 x 12 50Kg Benchpress
1 x 10 60Kg Benchpress ( split into 5,3,2 )
2 x 12 14Kg press up with weights lifted alternately to chest
2 x 15 leg raises
3 x 12 Bench dips
2 x 12 14Kg dumbbell presses with top of back on gymball
4 x hands on gymball rolling forward to elbows and back
10 stair sprints ( Jog down - sprint up )
2 x 1 minute plank
10 sit up with leg raises
2 x 1 minute 10 Kg medicine ball side to side

Sounds more than it actually was - whole lot took less that 40 minutes !

Promax day
Cheese layered salad
My version of Cajun chicken with potatoes - needs some work I am disappointed to report !

15 stone 4 lb !!

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